Getting Started

 Below we have outlined the steps to help you understand and use Nutrien APIs.   



Click on the Register link to begin using our APIs.  Your registration must be reviewed and approved by our internal team.


API Catalog

We have grouped our APIs into Products. Take a closer look at the products, API signatures, parameters and response structure to understand how our APIs will work for you.  


Create an App

An App is the entry point to use our APIs. Each app is tied to a group of APIs that make up an API product. App specific credentials are mandatory to make a call. Upon registration approval you will be able to create your own app. Once the app is approved, you can begin utilizing the APIs.


Authenticate with OAuth 2.0

Now that your App is approved, you must authenticate so that your App will have the necessary access to carry out transactions with Nutrien. Within each API product on our catalog, you can obtain an OAuth access token by clicking the Authorize button in the upper right section of the page.  Provide your consumer key and consumer secret for you registered application.  Once you are successfully authorized, this will automatically add the Authorization header with a value containing the Bearer prefixed access token to the request. This will allow you to perform manual tests within that product for up to an hour.

If you are trying to ensure that you are able to successfully call for a token from your local application, that can be done from the Authorization API.  

For more information on the OAuth 2.0 Framework, use the IETF OAuth 2.0 specification as your guide.


Use your App

Once you have generated the OAuth token for your app you can begin using the API. The API catalog can be found here.


Use our Sandbox

Nutrien has provided you with a sandbox environment that mimics the behavior of live APIs using your chosen test data.  You are able to run these APIs with your data and validate the schema of your messages.  Testing the API gives you a full understanding of how to build your app after thoroughly understanding the APIs.  We strongly encourage you to try them before you start using them.  Pay attention to any query parameters that are included.  Header level Content Type is mandatory on any POST, PUT or DELETE message, be sure to incorporate this into your development work.


Contact Us

Please reach out for additional support